Nirav Hiingu

Signature Analysis

What is a SIGNATURE?

Signature is the manifestation of one’s own self in the form of graphical letters. It is an informal way to express your inbuilt skills to the public. A signature is a form of external energy which is unique to every individual.


Signature Analysis in itself is a Science and Art to find the hidden skills of a human being. Handwriting Science which is better known as GRAPHOLOGY consists majorly parts viz Handwriting Analysis and Signature Analysis.

Handwriting Analysis with Nirav Hiingu

Does Signature really work ?

Yes,100 percent, its work on human subconscious mind because Signature and Handwriting Analysis work on neurons and as we think either positive or negatives our billion of cells inside brain collide and create a structure of thought which get imprinted on paper which we called as Symbol OR Sign in form of letters,dots, strokes etc.Eminent Signature Analysts read your subconscious mind through your brain imprint known as Signature and helps in knowing thyself.

Does it help in Career Selection ?

Yes,Signature Science is an amazing science which not only helps in knowing your strength and weakness but also explores the opportunities of inbuilt skills which you are unaware of.An experienced Signature Analyst helps you to know which skills are lying beneath your brain and how to polish and recognise those unpolished skills and develop them for your future growth.We at mould many people’s career by helping in selecting the best suitable career option after +2 and after graduation.

Do Signature Analysis helps in Relationships also?

Signature Analysis not only gives SWOT Analysis of your career but also pinpoints those areas which create disturbance in relationships like which event/situations you are getting irritated and how to handle those tough times.By altering and working on the current signature, one can help to improve their relationship ,no matter if it is professional or personal relations with Father,Mother, Siblings and Spouse.

If I want to learn Signature Science, what are the eligibility criteria?

No previous knowledge of Signature or Psychology required ? Just Willingness to learn hard and Succeed.

What is a Course Module?

  • Introduction to Signature Science
  • Principles of Signature
  • Types of Signature
  • ABC of Signature Science
  • Understand Emotional,Physical and Mental Structure of Individual
  • Letters and Relationship in Signature
  • Compatibility Detection through Signature
  • Understanding meaning of Drawing and Doodling in Signature
  • Growth Hacking in Signature

Who can attend this Course ?

  • Entrepreneurs
  • Psychologist and Counselors
  • Agency Owners
  • Students
  • Teachers
  • Digital Marketers
  • Life Coach
  • CEO/VP
  • Human Resource Manager

What is Duration of Course?

It is 16 hours which we break down into either 2 Days of Weekend  or 4 Sundays as 10 to 2 pm